A hospitality/leisure organisation have a new digital employee platform. They want to leverage this new platform to engage, connect, and update the whole workforce on DE&I initiatives, ultimately driving and progressing engagement and retention.
Use the platform to provide business updates to all staff, including accessing useful employee links and documents, for example benefits, payslips etc. This will pull employees to use it, making it the “go-to hub”.
Determine and publish an annual events calendar on the platform, giving people the opportunity to contribute local ideas/events important to their location/community.
Incentivise employee interaction and contribution. For example star contributors or a prize draw for the highest engagement at site level.
People will engage on issues relevant to them; ask for contributions of “let’s talk about” topics for the platform.
Create video diaries of what it means to work here, why you engage with the brand and what you care about.
Use roving reporters to go around company sites interviewing employees to gain their lived experience of “a-day-in-the-life” to grow and share an understanding of different roles and career pathways.
Create a living library: a bank of people's stories and experiences which can be accessed and contributed by all.
Create “a-day-in-the-life” articles/videos to build empathy and awareness between roles.
Recognise and reward operational managers who generate the highest level of engagement for their site.
Work with managers to understand how they create such high levels of employee engagement, and share with other sites.
Work with the brand marketing team, to help create employee engagement campaigns.
Empower the workforce to engage with the platform, rather than being leadership led.
Ask D&I champions to contribute their personal motivation, journey, and log daily actions they are taking on the platform.
The organisation was most interested in the idea of creating a “living library” of employee experiences across the organisation, capturing what it is like for them to work in their area, to grow connectivity between employees and raise engagement. Watch this space to follow the next steps and actions.